Welcome Home
Welcome to Burwood Community Presbyterian Church. We are located in Burwood VIC Australia, an eastern suburb of Melbourne.
You can reach us around 4 mins drive from Deakin University Deakin Campus, 15 mins drive from Monash University Clayton Campus or 9 mins from Box Hill Train Station.
We are a community that loves God and is passionate about hosting His Presence. We value being together with Him, worshipping and being inspired by His Word. We would love to have you join us for our Sunday expression of life.
Join us for church services!
Sunday 11am
13 Tennyson Street, Burwood, VIC 3125
Join Us This Weekend
Church Service - Bilingual (Mandarin and English)
Every Sunday, at 11am, at the church’s Main Hall.
Church Service - English
Every Sunday, at 11 am, at the church’s New Hall.
Kids - Sunday School
Every Sunday 11am
KFC (Kids for Christ) - 2 to 5 years old
BC Kids (Burwood Church Kids) - grade 1 to 6
Youth (Year 7-12) - BYG (Burwood Youth Group)
Service - 1st and 3rd Sunday (During school term) at 12.30 pm
Fellowship - every last Friday of the month at 7 pm
Young Adults - Radiance
Every Saturday at 7 pm, at Church
Whether you are visiting Burwood Community Presbyterian Church for the first time or looking to make us your home church. It would be great to meet you at the end of the service. Be sure to introduce yourself to one of our leaders or Pastors. We look forward to seeing you here.